Andrew 23rd February 2021

Kev, While I I enjoyed hearing the stories from your 'jumpers for goalposts' days, it also reminded me how tragic it is to have lost a man like you, so young. The last time I saw you in person you were on the beat in Cheltenham town centre, in early summer. At a time when every business owner needed a little boost of optimism, you were there, as always, breathing rainbows into rainy days. If it were not for an email from you back in early 2016, I might never have had the confidence to open a business in Cheltenham. I would not have missed out only on starting my own business. I would never have had the privilege of getting to know you better and discovering what a wonderful person you were. A constant source of advice, perspective, and humour whenever times were tough, you were the role model and mentor that we all should aspire to be. If this is the sadness that I feel, having had that privilege for only a few years, I cannot imagine the grief that Liz and others who have enjoyed your company for decades have been feeling, especially yesterday at your funeral. I know that over time, some balance will be restored to quell their grief, as they remember you every day for your kindness, your smile, your positivity, your attitude and your humour. That is how I will remember you. I will take pleasure each time I visit Cheltenham. You gave so much to the town and just being there will always make me think of you. Koj